Monday, December 12, 2005

Thunder Nilsson

About 9 months ago, after a thunder storm, Sven started saying "I'm Thunder." So, we would respond "Hi Thunder" or "Hi Thunder Nilsson."

At Sven's 4 year checkup, the doctor asked Sven if he knew his name. Sven said "I'm Darfa." Sven has never answered the name question with his own name, so I wasn't surprised by the answer. For a long time he used to tell people he was "Thomas" as in Thomas the Tank Engine.

Finally, after a little proding from me and the doctor, he said "I'm Sven." Then she asked Sven if he knew his whole name and Sven said "I'm Sven Michiya Namioka Thunder Nilsson." Her response was "Wow - that's a lot of middle names!"


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