Monday, April 17, 2006

Trees and Bathrooms

Sven had lots of fun on Heaster. He found almost a dozen eggs at an Annual Easter party we go to at Eric and Ami's. He also got to wear his new "Orchestra Costume", i.e. a shirt and tie, that we bought for him. You can see a picture at his website. He's been begging us for a suit and tie for a long time.

Sven has become very independent. He wants to do everything himself. However, recently, in a public restroom, he grabbed a huge wad of paper towels to dry his hands. We've also had to talk to him about using too much toilet paper. So, I explained to him that that more paper towels and toilet paper he uses, the more trees need to get cut down. So, we shouldn't use more than we need.

Later that day, Sven and I drove past a crew that was pruning trees. Sven said "They're cutting down trees so more people can go to the bathroom and dry their hands."


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