Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cell Phone Culture Part 2

Erik is out of town for a few days so Sven gets to chat with him on the phone in the evenings. Yesterday Sven asked Erik "Daddy - why do some houses have phones in them?"

Sunday evening, when Sven was talking to Erik, he got very upset that Erik wasn't in Seattle. He kept telling Erik that he had to come home "now" and said "I missed you". He was getting a little teary-eyed by the end of the call, and obviously didn't like Erik's answers. But as soon as he was off the phone, he was a happy bouncy five-year-old again. On Monday night, I asked Sven if he wanted to talk to Daddy and he said "Yes!" As soon as he got the phone he apologized to Erik for his behavior the previous night. Wow - I was impressed at his level of maturity!

At the end of the call he said "bye bye Erik" and closed my cell phone. Then he told me "I'm old enough to call Daddy, Erik."


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