Tuesday, March 24, 2009

7 Year Old Smile

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sven is a reader!

In the last couple of weeks, Sven reading has taken off. He can now pick up easy books, and read through them, with a little help. He says he "loves to read." Another milestone.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Sven is building a wife

Sven is very interested in building big complex robots. I explained that his plans were ambitious.

A few days later, he was in his room, playing with his new electrical kit. He was building a simple robot and planned to trade it in for parts to make a more expensive robot. Then after a few more trades, he said "I'm going to build a girlfriend, and she'll become my wife."

Monday, March 02, 2009

Giant Brussel Sprout and Scribble Writing

Recently we had brussel sprouts for dinner - they were picked from our garden, and Sven participated in the harvesting. A few days later Sven opened the fridge and said "Mom, there's a giant brussel sprout in the fridge". It was a cabbage I had bought to make soup.


For Valentine's Day Sven had to sign 26 cards for his classmates and teachers. Before we started Sven asked if I would teach him "scribble writing" , i.e. cursive. His printed handwriting is still not very good, but I taught him how to write his name in cursive anyway. So, all of his Valentines this year had his new signature.

Sven wants to be a Boy Scout - maybe

Yesterday we were eating Girl Scout cookies, and Sven said "I want to be a Boy Scout." I guessed the comment was related to cookies. So I told him Boy Scouts don't sell Girl Scout cookies. And Sven said "Of course not, they sell Boy Scout cookies." When we told him they didn't sell ANY cookies he was confused and said "What to do they do if they don't sell cookies?!?"